Lea Ypi on Freedom

Lea Ypi reflects on her childhood and youth in socialist Albania and the country's subsequent transition to liberal democracy and a free market economy. What's clear: None of the political economies Ypi experienced satisfied her need for and concept of freedom.


Lea Ypi's Website:


Lea on Twitter:


Ypi. Lea. 2021. Free. Coming of Age at the End of History. London: allen lane, Penguin Random House:


Ypi, Lea. 2022. Frei. Erwachsenwerden am Ende der Geschichte. Berlin: Suhrkamp:


Fine, Sarah, and Lea Ypi. 2016. Migration in Political Theory. The Ethics of Movement and Membership. Oxford University Press:


Wellman, Christopher Heath. 2016. "Freedom of Movement and the Rights to Enter and Exit" in: Migration in Political Theory. The Ethics of Movement and Membership, ed. Sarah Fine and Lea Ypi, Oxford University Press, p. 80–104:


The Journal of Political Philosophy, of which Lea Ypi is co-editor:


Renewal: A Journal of Social Democracy, of which Lea Ypi is commissioning editor:


Lea Ypi at The New Institute:


Further material:

(German) Was ist die Shock Therapy? Future Histories Kurzvideo:


Shock Therapy (Wiki):



Further Future Histories Episodes on related topics:

S02E10 | Aaron Benanav on Associational Socialism and Democratic Planning:


S02E11 | James Muldoon on Platform Socialism:


(German) S02E09 | Isabella M. Weber zu Chinas drittem Weg:


S01E60 | Jan Groos zu distribuiertem Sozialismus:



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Episode Keywords:

#LeaYpi, #JanGroos, #FutureHistories, #Podcast, #Interview, #Freedom, #PenguinBooks, #Suhrkamp, #Socialism, #Sozialismus, #Capitalism, #Kapitalismus, #Post-capitalism, #Postkapitalismus, #Democracy, #Demokratie, #Autonomy, #DemocraticPlanning, #ShockTherapy, #systemchange, #Communism, #FutureHistoriesInternational,


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